
NZ third party vehicle insurance

Key Points

  • campervan

    Third party car insurance covers damages caused to the other party in case of accident at fault, not to your vehicle. We cover vehicles modified into campervans, self contained certified or not. Insurance companies in New Zealand do not cover them with their standard policies. We offer Roadside Assistance option with our policies in New Zealand. In contrast of European countries, this option is not automatically included or available with local insurance companies.

    All our insurance policies are considered as MOTORHOME insurance

    Attention: our policies do not cover rental vehicles

  • car accident

    The excess on this policy is among the lowest on the market. Unlike local insurers, this is the only excess applied with no additional deductibles. If you are involved in an accident with an identified and uninsured third party at fault, we cover the damage to your vehicle up to $3,000.

  • breakdown

    Roadside Assistance>> is an added option available with all our policies. In contrast of European countries, this option is not automatically included in car cover in New Zealand.

  • clock

    You can subscribe in just a few minutes without supporting documents to provide or any other complicated administrative procedure.

Who Can Subscribe?

Anybody entitled to lawfully drive in New Zealand, whatever the nationality, please check NZ regulation here  >>If you hold an overseas driving licence, you can drive with your driving licence for a maximum of 12 months from the date you arrive in New Zealand if:

  • you are visiting from another county. 
  • have recently arrived in New Zealand and you have a current and valid driver licence.


Please note:

  • Each time you visit New Zealand you may drive for a further 12-month period on a valid overseas driver licence or IDP, as long as you stay for no more than a year at a time.
  • If you are driving using an IDP you must also carry your overseas licence with you.

  • If your licence or IDP is not in English, you must carry an accurate English translation issued by:

If you do not have a current and valid overseas driver licence, or IDP, then you cannot drive in New Zealand. If you want to drive then you must apply for a New Zealand driver licence.


covered : √ uncovered : X


  Third Party Only Amount
Material Damages caused to other $20,000,000
Bodily Damages caused to other $20,000,000
Damages to your vehicle when involved with another car at fault and uninsured and clearly identified $3,000
Fire X Comprehensive only
Theft and attempt X Comprehensive only
Other damages (on your own or when you are at fault with another part) X Comprehensive only
Windows X Comprehensive only
Accident Assistance (towing) X Comprehensive only
Breakdown Assistance dépannage (see further below) Option Details of benefits HERE
Additional driver after policy is issued Yes €25
Early cancellation Yes

€25. After 3 months minimum and no claim.
Change of vehicle Yes €25
Excesses Yes, when you are at fault Listed driver : $500                                  Unlisted driver : $1,000 
Download Full Table of Benefits here >>



Please note that you cannot compare our pricing with standard car insurance offered by other local companies. CCM Standard car insurance policies cover vehicles modified into campervans whereas, standard car policies offered by other local companies do not cover vehicles modified into campervans. Other local companies will require you to take a specific motorhome policy. With CCM you have the option, unlike other local companies, to access a quote, and apply for a policy online.

Premium: 0
per VehicleFamily
Please notice, roadside assistance is in sus

Payment in 3X 4X by credit card with Oney
3x 4x Oney Payments Oney T&Cs

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Oney payments are available for amounts more than €100 and to residents of France and Italy as well as France’s overseas departments and regions.

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3x 4x Oney Payments

Payment in 3X 4X by credit card with Oney

Payment Details 3x

First Payment
Oney cost
Plus 2 Monthly Payments of

Payment Details 4x

First Payment
Oney cost
Plus 3 Monthly Payments of

Oney T&Cs

You can pay 'PART' or 'ALL' of your insurance by referring your friends to CCM, and at the same time, they can also save money on the price of their insurance!

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