Worldwide Travel Insurance
Student & Working Holiday Cover
For young Europeans going anywhere in the World for studies, Working Holiday, au pair or for an internship.
Globe Trotter Cover
For all travelers anywhere in the World whatever the purpose of their travel.
Globe Trotter Premium/Summum
Suits anyone coming from European Union, travelling or settling abroad before a permanent expatriation, even already overseas (15 days of waiting time apply in this case)
Globe Traveller
For all travellers anywhere in the World whatever the purpose of their travel even though already travelling overseas.
Schengen Cover
For all travelers visiting the Schengen area (Schengen visa approved).

Insurance for NZ Residents and Citizens
Kiwi Travelling Overseas
For any person living in NZ, and planning on travelling anywhere in the World.
Kiwi Working Overseas
For any person living in NZ, and planning on working anywhere in the World.

Travel Insurance For New Zealand
Student & Working Holiday Cover
For young Europeans going anywhere in the World for studies, Working Holiday, au pair or for an internship.
For all other travelers going to New Zealand.

Vehicle Insurance in New Zealand
NZ third party vehicle insurance
Low-cost car insurance for all travelers in NZ (cover car & campervans self-contained or not)
NZ comprehensive vehicle insurance
Comprehensive car insurance for all travelers in NZ (cover car & campervans self-contained or not)
Roadside assistance
Cover assistance and towing of your vehicle to a repair shop in the event of a breakdown.